Onweerstaanbaar vers Vers is een toverwoord in de supermarkt. De ...

Het vijfde seizoen

Groentjes achter glas Voedselproducten zijn seizoensproducten, ma ...

True Price

De duurste wegwerpverpakkingHightech materialen met schitterend f ...


Consumptie in een groen jasje Greenwashing is een term om misleid ...

Stamtafel De Wolden

Rural municipality De Wolden consists of sixty-four small village ...


One thing that is certain about the projects we carried out in the last couple of years, is the diversity of the subject matter: From an educational installation about eggs to selling meat in a public auction, and from theorizing about yoghurt to contextualizing saffron. This diversity exemplifies the endless possibilities that lay within food design. Nonetheless, there is a regularly recurring concept in our work, namely the interaction between crafts, industry and time. Have a look at some of our projects!


Foodcurators works on commission for food-related companies and institutions. We are as tutors connected to the Design Academy in Eindhoven, where we teach in the Living Matter department. We regularly give lectures or keynote talks about food and design. Even though almost everyone knows what design-thinking is, not everyone has considered food as a field that would benefit from it. We gladly take the audience on a quick journey through the many possibilities of design for food-related products, services and systems. We also create workshops for food professionals to get creativity flowing, and come up with new ideas and commitment to change.
We will gladly prepare a keynote for your event!

Creative consulting

Our clients include market leaders in the European food industry. Not only do we deliver commissioned work, but we offer our consulting services to big food companies on a wide variety of inquiries. We don't only consider the given question/challenge, but also research the wider context. Experience has shown us that a question usually stems from another question. In our critical stance and coupled with our creativity we search avidly for all the answers. With this approach we continue to succeed at paving the way for commercial projects and new breakthroughs. We like to look ahead. As designers, we are keen to propose answers to questions that are yet to be posed.
On request, we can provide you with references from other clients. Please get in touch!

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel


Onweerstaanbaar vers Vers is een toverwoord in de supermarkt. De ‘verse’ warme appeltaart die net uit de oven komt was nog geen uur geleden bevroren. »

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel

Het vijfde seizoen

Groentjes achter glas Voedselproducten zijn seizoensproducten, maar in de supermarkt zijn ze het hele jaar door beschikbaar. Voor een deel komt ons voedsel van ver »

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel

True Price

De duurste wegwerpverpakkingHightech materialen met schitterend full color printwerk zijn tijdens de productie al voorbestemd voor de afvalbak. Dit is het lot van vrijwel alle »

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel


Consumptie in een groen jasje Greenwashing is een term om misleiding rondom duurzaamheid aan te geven. Het wordt vooral gebruikt voor bedrijven die zich duurzamer »

Projects Homepage carrousel

Stamtafel De Wolden

Rural municipality De Wolden consists of sixty-four small villages and hamlets and as a communal municipality it celebrates its 25-year anniversary in 2024. To mark »

Projects Homepage carrousel

Design Research Schelde Delta

Future regional products within Schelde Delta region. Drinking milkshakes for stronger dikes, connecting asparagus to elderly care; these are just a few scenarios from the »

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel

Land of milk and honey

Lunch editie Mostly Modern Festival 23-04-2023, Oostkerk Middelburg Heeft ons voedsel wel een toekomst? Wetenschappers refereren vaak aan 5 fases (of stadia) in ons voedselsysteem. De lunch »

FOOD MATTERS Homepage carrousel

Roots of growth

Lunch editie Mostly Modern Festival 23-04-2023, Oostkerk Middelburg Heeft ons voedsel wel een toekomst? Wetenschappers refereren vaak aan 5 fases (of stadia) in ons voedselsysteem. De lunch »